How to Change Your Password – With Three Examples

How to Change Your Password – with Three Examples

It may be time to change your password, either because of a suspected compromise, or perhaps you just want to make your passwords a little stronger. Here are the instructions for how you can do that for Gmail, Facebook, and Bank of Ireland.

How to Change Your Gmail Password

  1. Log into Gmail:
    1. Open a web browser and go to Gmail.
    2. Enter your current email address and password to sign in.
  2. Go to Settings:
    1. In the top right corner, click the gear icon (⚙️) and choose See all settings.
  3. Change Your Password:
    1. Go to the Accounts and Import tab.
    2. Click on Change password under the “Change account settings” section.
  4. Enter a New Password:
    1. Google will ask you to enter your current password.
    2. Then, type your new password (make sure it’s strong—use our tips at the bottom of this article for details on how).
    3. Click Change Password to confirm.

How to Change Your Facebook Password

  1. Log into Facebook:
    1. Open a web browser and go to Facebook.
    2. Enter your current email/phone number and password to log in.
  2. Go to Settings:
    1. In the top right corner of the page, click the small down arrow (or your profile picture if on mobile).
    2. Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings.
  3. Change Your Password:
    1. In the left sidebar, click on Security and Login.
    2. Under the “Login” section, click Edit next to “Change password.”
  4. Enter a New Password:
    1. Type your current password.
    2. Then, enter your new password (again, choose a strong one).
    3. Click Save Changes to confirm.

How to Change Your Bank of Ireland Password

  1. Log into Bank of Ireland Online Banking:
    1. Go to the Bank of Ireland website.
    2. Click Login at the top right.
    3. Enter your customer number and PIN to sign in.
  2. Go to Security Settings:
    1. Once logged in, find the Profile or Settings section (usually in the top menu or under your name/profile).
  3. Change Your Password:
    1. Look for the option to change your password or update your login details.
    2. You might be asked to enter your current password first.
    3. Then, enter your new password. Confirm it by typing it again.
  4. Save Changes:
    1. Click Save Changes to update your password.

Our Tips for a Strong Password:

  • Use an easy to remember passphrase like, “Imakecoffeeat2PMeveryThursday”.
  • If you add a number and symbol, try to avoid 1 and !, as these are the most common.
  • Skip some of the most commonly used password ideas like your name, your county, the season, the year, your favourite football team, or the word “password”.
  • Make sure the password is different for each account – an attempted hacker will try the same password multiple times if they can!
  • Consider using a password manager to keep track of your passwords safely, or to make it easier, keeping a notebook somewhere safe with your passwords written down.

With these tips you’re well on your way to having up-to-date, secure passwords.